Bold Tricks by Karina Halle

Bold Tricks (The Artists Trilogy 3) - Karina Halle

It's over. And it's so bitter-sweet! I have fallen in love with Karina's characters, and not just those in this trilogy, but in her other books as well. They are so life-like and refreshingly real. 


Ellie, Camden and Javier are reluctantly working together, and for those that have read Sins & Needles and Shooting Scars, you know that can only mean trouble. 


Bold Tricks was the most action packed of the series; lots was going on, and I was hooked from the first few pages. I'm not going to go into details about the story - In honesty, I don't think I can do the series justice by just summarising. I feel it needs to be read in order to fully appreciate it...

But something has got me curious. I read Sins & Needles first, then I read the novella On Every Street. I completely fell for Camden in Sins and I have never doubted that preference in any of the books since, but I wonder if my choice would have been different if I read the novella first... 


And as I'm Team Camden, this was my reaction when I found out who Ellie chose...


(show spoiler)